Modular Light Crane and Monorail Profile Track Systems
Light Crane and Monorail Profile Tracks
Designed, Supplied, Installed, Inspected, Load Tested and LOLER Certification
Hoist and Winch Limited design, supply, install, load test & LOLER Certify light crane systems and also profiled track monorail beams to meet our customers individual requirements in all industries.
Advantages & Features
• Light Profile Track Construction which provides ease of movement with very low friction push and pull cross and long travel movements
• Very flexible cost-effective solution when compared to conventional overhead cranes and monorail beam installations
• Capacities up to 2000 kg safe working load (Swl)
• Ease of Installation
• Can be mounted to a free-standing steel structure, existing roof trusses or bolted directly to a concrete ceiling with chemical anchors (Subject to survey & assessment of existing mounting structure details)
• Available with trailing festoon system that runs within the profile track or a buzz bar type conductor system for electrical power supply for hoisting motion
• Cranes are available in Standard or low head-room design with single or double girder construction depending on required load lifting capacity and available head-room clearances
• The hoist units supplied on these systems are available with either remote radio or conventional pendant control fixed to the hoist unit body underside
• Available with 400v 3 phase, 110v or 230v Single phase electric or air powered hoist units
Where possible and subject to building structure verification we can often design a solution which involves fixing either a new light crane or monorail hoist runway beam system to the customer’s existing steel building structure or portal frame.
Where it is not possible to utilise the existing building structure to support the lifting system we can design a totally free standing goal post type structure which is bolted to a concrete floor using suitable anchors or in some cases a design solution which uses a combination of free standing goalposts and the existing building structure.
The profile tracks of these systems can be straight, feature bends or completely circular to suit our customers design and application requirements.
Where calculations are required to verify the suitability of an existing building structure or floor foundation the customer will often arrange this themselves by consulting the building architect. However, if this is not possible Hoist and Winch limited can engage a suitable Structural or Civil Engineer to survey the building and provide the necessary design calculations.
Once the design is complete a General Arrangement Drawing approval procedure is carried out with the customer which includes the selected hoist unit dimensional details in order that all dimensional clearances are thoroughly checked to ensure that the system installed will perform the required lifting tasks.
Following approval of the General Arrangement Drawing the system is fabricated and installed on site using our own experienced Site Engineers. Where possible Installation is carried out using general rigging equipment supported from the existing building structure whilst in some cases the customers own fork-lift truck or telehandler may also be used.
On completion of all Installation work, we will carryout the required commissioning, inspection and load testing procedure & issue a LOLER Certification to allow the system to be put into service.
See our case study examples relating to similar projects by clicking the following links: